Brian Reilly

I am an outdoor photographer and a resident of Las Cruces, New Mexico. I moved here with my family from Temecula, California in 2022.  During 22 years in Temecula, my interests in photography evolved from youth soccer games and school events to hot air balloons, vineyards, birds, seascapes, nightscapes and desert landscapes throughout southern California. I was active in the local arts community and my work was displayed in local libraries and galleries. Although I was introduced to photography as a child by my father, a journalist, my photography skills accelerated when the first digital cameras became available during the time I worked as a multimedia developer for Apple. I worked at Apple for ten years and took advantage of early access to new technologies like digital video, digital cameras, QuicktimeVR, and other multimedia tools. I learned to produce interactive panoramic images and I created two interactive multimedia applications which were sold by Apple. I also developed the first online course offered by Apple, Digital Photography for high school teachers. My lifelong fascination with creating panoramic images also began during my time at Apple. 
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